Ha, thats funny, in a way. I'm involved with the farm at my school and we have ewes and rams there, actually right now is the breeding season so all the rams are crazy mounting the ewes whenever they can. I've had horses for many years and it's not a good idea to have a horse alone, the goats I've seen used with horses (that are in barns with others) are usually castrated.
I'm so glad you didn't go through with the rubber band, castrating an animal too late in life (after puberty) can cause the animal to be very confused and think that they are still masculine and they will still try to mount things.
It's a touching story, I'm glad you didn't do something horrible to the ram, and think about getting another horse, there are some places where you can adopt horses for free. You can get an old horse that won't eat much and if you don't ride it if probably won't need supplements, this is a good idea for a companion to your thouroughbred.
Go Kool Aid. OH YEAAHH