Originally posted by shannon
i don't think that's fair. are you saying that because you think he's being unfaithful or what?
I'm saying that because few relationships survive after a threesome experience and even fewer thrive.From what I've heard from female friends who've done this,during the actual experience it was almost like they weren't even present,any attention they got was like an after thought and it felt like their
husband having them there at all was merely a stamp of approval
for them to have another woman.Several of these ladies are now divorced and those with more truthful husbands admitted that they originally desired/suggested the 3 way because they were unhappy in the marriage and wanting someone else.I'd also suggest that bringing a 3rd party into your relationship who is known to either of you as opposed to a stranger adds yet another dynamic that might not be good.
Fantasy is all good but some fantasies should remain just that.