The shows have gone downhill because the producers are too manipulative these days. At first, it was an interesting social experiment, letting 7 strangers live together and see what happened. Now they go out of their way to cast people with problems and a need for exhibitionsim. 22 episodes of people getting drunk, not working, and fucking isn't really that interesting.
The Challenge seasons really do a bad thing: they make these former cast members think they are celebrities. You better bet that most of those people are self righteous pricks who think they are special because they were on the RW or RR. Notice the same camera whores keep coming back every year, while plenty of former cast members (Aaron from LA, Judd and Pam from SF, etc.) never come back. For some people, it was an interesting experience in life to be put on the shelf with other experiences, while for others, RW IS their life.
"You can't shoot a country until it becomes a democracy." - Willravel