RelaX - you're hypothetical situation is exactly mine right now.
First - most colleges offer free psych services, which sometimes can be quite good. Mine allows me one free appointment per week during session with a fully qualified psycologist (Phd, not a student, but an acutal doc)
If its occasional depression, it shouldn't be anything to worry about, but if this happens all the time, some medication may be necessary - as much as I disagree with meds, sometimes they are necessary.
Reading again - damn thats exactly what I've been feeling...
Firstly, try not to be hard on yourself for anything you think you may have done wrong. Second, friends. Friends make excellent pick-me-ups if they are indeed good friends. You dont need to tell them that you feel like shiat, generally theyll notice on their own and give you a lift.
And get crackin on it! No use being left behind in your studies or, indeed, your life.