Porno taps right into your brain. You don't have to think about it too much, so getting an erection is easy. My wife gets wetter quicker watching porno than by foreplay. The key to getting a good erection in this situation is to just give yourself up to the moment. Foreplay is one of those things that I think the young think is overrated until you really learn to do it right. I have found touch to be a great way to start things off. I touch my wife's back, arms, kiss her neck, legs, etc. I stay away from all the sexual parts until she is good and warmed up. Seeing her get all turned on like that gives me a really great erection. Life can intrude on us so easily that it is easy to be thinking about something else when you are doing the deed. When I'm thinking about something else, we usually do foreplay for quite a bit longer or give up on it if I can't get past it (usually rare thank goodness).