Originally posted by darkallaround
this type of thing seems to be common. could it be that (most) women are instinctively insecure?
I tend to disagree. Media tends to affect how we feel about ourselves for one. Also - wouldn't you have a few depressing moments if you had hormones flood your system once a month without much warning and there was nothing you could do to resist their affect on you?
Everyone (Even men-you can't deny it) need reassuring every now and then. I know I have asked this very question when my SO at the time seemed like he was only interested in sex and we had NO conversation otherwise. It was a way to grab his attentiong, start a conversation and assure myself that he wasn't in it just for the sex.
Like has already been said - Just answer the question, please.
I liked the idea that RedLemon gave. I have kept a few notes of hubby's from when we were dating. Those notes told me some things he appreciated/loved about me. When I go back to look at those it connects me to him with that first love feeling once again. It would be an excellent move. You won't regret it.
"Always learn the rules so that you can break them properly." Dalai Lama
My Karma just ran over your Dogma.