A year after highschool, somehow I managed to convince my parents to let me move in with a friend while they paid for it. He was 22, a friend of my brother's and I was 19. For the msot part I was the weird flatmate, but I was quiet.
For 3 months, it was just him and me. I slept during the day while he was at work, and he slept during the ngiht while I was frying my brain cells while watching movies in inebriation.
At one strange point in the time, my roommate came home with a dog. Here we were in an apartment with no yard, and a dog. I'd never taken care of a dog before, and my roommate took 0 care of it. When I went to visit my g/f at the time during thanks giving, he didn't feed it or give it any water at all. The thing literally starved. Thankfully for my consience it was still alive when I got back, and I was able to nurse it back to health. After about a week, I gave it to a friend. I couldn't live with knowing that the poor dog was in hell and didn't have anywhere to run.
Then in mid December, a new flatmate moved into the living room. This was very strange. This was a 2 bedroom apartment, but we now had 3 flat mates, and one was living in our living room, right next to the kitchen. He worked from 5pm to roughly 2am every night except weekends. He then came home and slept until 10 am. When he woke up at 10 am, he blasted his stereo. Sleeping was not an option.
Now, part of the inconvenience of all this was not just the sleep cycles, but that there was no defined room for this third flat mate. On more than one occasion, i'd walked into the apartment to poor old john (the flatmate) beatin' the meat to a porno without a door to have closed. It made it difficult to know when it was safe to walk inside, or even exit my room to take a dump.
Somewhere into the 5th month, the friend who I moved in with (the essential owner of hte apartment) asked for me to move out because I didn't get along with the third roommate. I didn't mind. I moved back with my parents. It was a nuthouse where I was living. I wasn't very productive though, and I didn't make any money, so I basically mooched off everyone else.
About a month later, the original owner of the apartment gave me a call asking if I wanted to move into a house with him; he kicked the other roommate out and was tired of him living there because he kept starting fights and bitching.
Fancy that.
- now I just live by myself and am afraid of having a roommate after the previous experience. A part of me wants to have a female roommate for the sake of balance in my life. Maybe i need to just get a mail order bride.