Crazy Flatmates
Share your own worst flatmate stories...... (or try and outdo me)
I moved in with this really hot gothic chic. I knew she was pretty weird so I really tried to tiptoe around this fucking bitch. About a month into living there she made a routine of bashing the fuck out of the adjoining wall to my room if i was talking too loud (anyone will tell you im softly spoken). Fuck it was scary. I wasnt aloud to have any friends over.
Then oneday i came home and shed decided i had to move out. I said sure ill organise a moving truck. A couple of days later i came home to find all of my mortal possessions splayed accross the front lawn PLUS A NOTE ATTACHED SAYING ALL THESE COMPLTELY RIDICULOUS CLAIMS ABOUT WHY I DONT GET MY BOND BACK. So i took all the fuses out of the electric box, and have made a blood oath to one day get her back.
A couple of years later im living with this guy, who was totally nice and easy going. At about the 15 month stage he meets this horrible little bitch i went through university with. After two weeks shes moved all her shit in and is running the whole joint. 1 week later they are engadged to be married- and have decided to buy all these house pets. I love pets, but our lease was void if they got them. They said they understood. A couple of days later i came home to 3 cats trapped in our study. They had crapped all over my Grandfathers table!!! I find a receipt on the table proof of purchase of the cats. I ring him up, and hes just like 'um, we didnt buy them.... we are minding them'. So i got the fucking shovel and and decpitated all the cats, there was blood everywhere. I didnt really but i kinda wish i did, if i wasnt such an all round nice guy. So i moved my shit out again.