I tend to agree with the idea that it is an organized campaign, but not by the high ups, seems rather that some low level guys got sick of it/ wanted to impress the high ups, and started this thing- there have been soldiers who said that they did not write /sign the letter, but I could easily see some seargent or LT shipping off some feel good news thinking it wouldnt go to far/become an issue- I just don't see the pentagon bothering- then again, I also could not believe that we have found NO WMD's- Hell, not to support machieavelian tactics, but even if they do not exist, you make sure that they are found..... for the record, I support the war, and think that it was for the best- but often question the handling. I also belive that the media has ignored the improvements that we have made- DOES ANYONE THINK THAT IRAQ WAS BETTER, HAPPIER, OR MORE HUMANE UNDER SADAM?
Thought the harder, Heart the bolder,
Mood the more as our might lessens