Originally posted by jujueye
First off, its near impossible to get the flu from the flu shot. The viri are near dead, and the human body easily can overcome the bugs. That's the whole idea: to get your body to respond and build up immunity before a full strength version comes along. How doe they know whats coming every year? Good question. Actually, its rather involved, but requires a study of the dominant influenza from countries like China and even Australia. The southern heishphere is a major place of study because their seasons are oppsite ours. As they leave "winter" we are heading in to it....so the flu bugs happen here afterwards.
As for the govt: most implantations are too large for a size 00 needle (i think its 00). Anything worth using for tracking would need an incision and a stitch or two. As for DNA, no, I've watched them throw those needles in the biohazard box with hundred of others.
Seriously: protect yourself and others and just get the flu shot. Only one bout of the flu would convince you that you should.
IMO, jujueye is right on the money with everything here, except for getting a flu shot to protect yourself. I may be the exception to the rule, but in the past 10 years, each year I have gotten a flu shot I have come down with a nasty case of the flu that following winter. The years I didn't get the shot I had no problem with the flu. My last shot was 5 years ago and *ding *ding *ding, I got the flu that winter. The only reason I took the shot that year was because it had been several years since I'd had one and I seriously doubted getting the shot would make me sick. Man, was I wrong. I am sure getting a flu shot is a great idea for most people, but you gotta go with what happens after you get the shot. I like to tell my co-workers I don't get the shot because I want to be a 'carrier'.