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Old 10-14-2003, 10:50 PM   #6 (permalink)
Apocalypse Nerd
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Okay another embarrassing admission time. First of all my penis is normal sized... it used to be bigger when I was 17 and shrank about 1/4 an inch over 15 years... (See the Devo song "Shrivel Up" for any more details on this.)

But because it used to be bigger I thought I'd try some penis enlargement techniques recommended by this article.

Yes, I went to Penis Improvement dot com and shelled out about 120 dollars for the Men's Health System.

Basically this system is all about playing with yourself (in specific ways) and taking herbal medicine. I shelled out another 239(!) dollars from Penisimprovement's recommended Herbal site: Menzyme.

(Note that I could buy all the ingredients in Menzyme for ALOT cheaper than the price they give... but anyways; I took their pills.

I also did their exercises religiously for three months. I guess it's kinda easy to do this when your girlfriend has just dumped you and you're not getting any anymore. Their exercises are what follows


STEP NUMBER ONE-moist heat

The very first step to increasing the size of your penis with our program is the application of heat. . .moist heat to be exact. Simply obtain a large dish towel and soak it in the sink in very warm to mildly hot water. Wring the towel out and cover the entire genital region with it including the entire scrotal sac.

Immediately following the placing of the moist heat wrap, make the towel conform to the shape of your genitals. Push the towel into every nook and cranny you can find. Just think of it as trying to make a mold of your penis. Let this moist wrap, also called a hot compress, remain for a 2 minute period.

Following this two minutes, remove the towel, grasp the penis easily by the glans (head) and pull or stretch the penis away from your body, just like it was becoming erect. Simply pull it out and let go. Do this 10 times.

Immediately following this pull-release, re-soak the towel and re-apply making sure to completely cover the penis and genitals. This time let the hot compress work for 2 1/2 minutes.

The importance of this simple first step can't be emphasized enough. Some of you, in the beginning of your program usually within the first week or two will notice small red blotches under your penile shaft skin. DO NOT BE ALARMED. This is a normal by product of the exercises. It also is a message to you that perhaps you are not following the method exactly in the order written, and or are not performing the techniques correctly.

During the remaining exercises you perform with our system, a certain amount of penile rigidity (ERECTION) must be present. This rigidity, or tumescence will promote enlarging of the caverns whose job is to pool the blood for storage. Remember, we must increase the size of the caverns to improve the circumference and the length as well.

In order to benefit from the exercise system, the penis must be in a partially aroused state, with a 3/4 erection. Care must be taken to ensure you do not perform this exercise with a full erection. Venous damage could and probably would result. You must reach a 3/4 erect state before performing this exercise.

Towards the end of this manual we have provided a complete program performance chart which gives you all of the exercises on one page. In addition, there is a "growth" chart for you to keep track of your progress.

STEP NUMBER TWO-the milk pump

Performance of this exercise is daily. The milk-pump is the basic method to force the engorged blood in the penile cavities through the corpora cavernosa slightly making the small openings larger. Correct performance of this important step is crucial


Lightly massage or masturbate until you reach a 3/4 erection.

Apply a small amount of lubricant to your semi erect penis from its base, down the shaft to the glans (head). Baby oil or some similar liquid works fine. DO NOT USE LIQUID SOAP.

Form the "OK" sign with your right thumb and first finger. Slide your penis into the circle formed by the "OK" sign and move this ring up the shaft to the base. The picture below demonstrates the exact formation of the "OK" sign

<image deleted>

Once your have the "finger-ring" up at the base, close the circle around the shaft of your penis until you begin to feel some resistance against your "finger-ring" from the tissues and blood inside of your penis. Think of it as trying to squeeze a garden hose trying to stop the flow of water.

With the "finger-ring" squeezed closed completely around the shaft of your penis -starting at the base- slowly move the "OK" ring down the length of your penis towards the head. YOU MUST DO THIS SLOWLY. The slower you go, the better the results because it is this action that is slowly moving the blood down through the cavernosa muscle.

As this hand nears the completion of it's movement to the head of your penis, use the other hand and clasp around your penis, once again at the base, forming the "OK" sign. Squeeze this new "OK" sign closed until you feel the resistance of the tissues.

Immediately after the first hand moves down the shaft and reaches the head, let go with that hand and begin another "milk-pump" with the new hand that is ready and in place.

Alternate your two hands to perform this exercise correctly. If you are squeezing enough, you should notice the head of your penis slightly swell, become red and enlarge. Some men have made the comment that the ridges on the head seperate, looking like a flower blooming.
So I did all this... are you curious what the results were? Did I gain 2 inches as advertised?

I did not gain any size or circumference from spending my money on pills or performing exercises. Albeit those pills did make me hornier than hell.
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