Originally posted by BentNotTwisted
First off, congratulations. It takes a lot of courage to go up to a girl in high school and be that direct about asking her out. As others have said, consider working on becoming a friend if that is something you want. Just try to get to know her and let her know you. If she ends up splitting with her bf, you will be there and if she's interested, she will let you know.
Also, don't rule out other girls. Your statement that "not many girls around school are really worth approaching out of the blue" leads me to think you are judging the girls on their surface looks and not their personality. Try to get past the superficial attacments and see some of the other girls for who they are.
She doesn't have a boyfriend, find out who her boyfriend is thats a classic dodge.
Find out who she's going out with, if nobody confront her and let her know that there are better ways of telling someone no.
Then she'll feel bad for you and fuck you that much earlier.