Originally posted by forgotten_dream
Terresque, 3 words: One Round Kill. The day I hear about something like that happen in a Yugi-oh card game, I'll accept that it's as cheap as Magic. Not to trash on Magic:The Gathering of course, I personally am an enormous fan of the game. But every time I go up against a black discard deck, I think to myself "What's the point of this?" And as for ultra rare power cards, I think they suck. Whether it's something like Exodia from Yugi or an Avatar of Infinite Destruction, it takes the fun out of the game because you need money, instead of skill. And buying decks off of the net I think takes out the best part of the game- I have more fun putting together decks from my brothers scrap cards and beating the pants off of him than when I'm using my usual deck I've been working on for about a year and a half.
Ok...since you are dealing with turn one wins then you are a rich bastard! The decks that have first turn wins are in type one, where cards that cost upwards of a grand are legal and often played! So if you don't wanna deal with that crap play Type II or even Type 1.5 (extended) like the people with enough brain power to comprehend that there is more then one field of play!