Originally posted by phunktastic
But something I've noticed is that when people are *trying* to have kids, they can do all kinds of crazy stuff and still not get pregnant. Do it with her hanging vertically from the ceiling, thrusting all the way in after saving up sperm for three weeks on the mathmatically calculated day that she is most likely to conceive... and still nothing at first.
But then when people don't want kids, they could be having the most cautious sex ever. She's on birth control, he's using a condom.. all the sudden theres a 3 nanometer wide tear in the condom from where he opened the package and she's pregnant with twins.
I believe I can shed some light on this statement of yours.
Conscious partner choice and subconscious partner evaluation are two completely different things. Women may THINK the man they chose is what they want, but many times a woman's body refuses to become fertile at established intervals of sex. A partner not being "man enough" has nothing to do with ability to get pregnant.
As a particular example, pose this question to yourself if you're female, or your female friends if your male.
"As a woman, have you ever cheated? If so, did you do it with someone you had thought about cheating with before?
If you answered "yes" to both of those questions, here is another: Was your period late after it happened, even if you used contraception?"
If THAT answer was yes, you proved my point. Your body decided your lover was a better mate than your partner, and adjusted itself accordingly.
So, the reason these people don't get pregnant in relationships is because the woman has evaluated the man as an unworthy potential mate (genetically anyway).
Additionally, the fun thing about sperm, especially the sperm a man leaves in a new partner, is that it lasts from 3-5 days, as opposed to the one day sperm lasts in a familiar partner. Assuming 5 fertile days a month, this does is effectively increase the average females fertile days from 5 to ~8 (sex 3 days before the 7 fertile day time frame will still leave fertile sperm in her).
This increases your chance of pregnancy.