I can undertand that people would be paranoid. Having a kid is a pretty big deal especially when you don't want one.
But something I've noticed is that when people are *trying* to have kids, they can do all kinds of crazy stuff and still not get pregnant. Do it with her hanging vertically from the ceiling, thrusting all the way in after saving up sperm for three weeks on the mathmatically calculated day that she is most likely to conceive... and still nothing at first.
But then when people don't want kids, they could be having the most cautious sex ever. She's on birth control, he's using a condom.. all the sudden theres a 3 nanometer wide tear in the condom from where he opened the package and she's pregnant with twins.
It seems like people ("family planning" centers) make sex sound much more dangerous than it really is. Its supposed to be something fun and special.. but then there stuff like this (an actual quote):
In our opinion, it is much better to have you protected then to have you exposed to diseases, unplanned pregnancies and even possible death.
Death?? Jesus.
So anyway.. What are your opinions? Are people going too far in making it sound so scary?