He added they don't yet understand that in mainland China, which is still run by a communist government.
Here we go again. An arrogent, rightous white guy writes an aritcle on a China, a land which he has never visited, critizing an idealogy which he know nothing about (maybe in propogandas)
Chinese dissident Harry Wu says Chinese farmers also feed human waste to pets, whose waste is fed to livestock.
The critibility of this guy (Harry Wu) is highly questionable. Where is he from? Has he even been to china?
IMO, his english first name probly tells that he is a banada (ABC) who probly hates his chinese background (sort of like Amy Tan-- that bitch)
"It is very common in China, in the rural areas, for the dog to clean up the human bowel (movement)," he said in a WorldNetDaily interview. "You know, the baby makes bowel on the floor (and) the dog will come right in and eat it up."
WTF, when did this guy last came to china, 20 years ago?
I have live in china from 1985 - 1997 and i never heard of dog cleaning up human fecies. Ok, maybe deep within a mountain range.
"The whole environment is like that," Wu added.
False genearlizations made by some guy we never heard of.
He also cited the Chinese people's indiscriminate, omnivorous diet as a possible concern. "I don't know if these animals are one of the reasons (for SARS), but it is true in the southern part of China that they eat all kinds of animals," Even some right now are eating the fetus, unborn babies, as a delicacy. That is cannibalism."
Wu said. "We make a joke that they eat everything that flies except for airplanes, and they eat everything with legs except the tables – snails, turtles, chickens, raccoons.
only the japinese do that
Wu notes recent speculation by a Russian scientist who posits that the SARS virus is man-made, invented by a Chinese military lab as a biochemical weapon.
This guy just hates china
Call me an extrem chinese nationist (I sort of am) but this whole story is extremely biased if not racist. I really wish they would not use the words of some american born chinese punk with no pride in his ancestory.
Btw, if anyone know this guy please tell me. I ll have him wacked.