Originally posted by tritium
Not to slam BBC reporting, but keep in mind that the author of your article is probably the product of a protestant, Anglican upbringing and is subject to the mindset thereof. As a result, we lack substantial quotes from the Catholic announcement and rely heavily on the author's shaded analysis of the situation. Just my two pennies on the article...
The BBC is totally against misrepresenting the facts, its funding is from tv license fee which every tv owner "must" pay in england. Its aim is to provide the news with no bias, although occasionally there is some present. But in this situation i don't think they are misrepresenting the facts. it does sound something like the catholic church come out with.
Crazy for them to suggest that condoms have caused an increase in HIV and Aids, what about Africa where you're pretty much guarenteed to have contract or be born with aids? theres no sign of condoms there.