Green Eyed Monster
Ok, so here's the situation I'm in. (Sorry about the length.)
I recently met a guy in my English class because we had to do a group presentation together. We got together for the group presentation on a Sunday. To take a break from studying for the presentation, three of four of us in the group went to a skate park for an hour. It was really fun and awesome.
Then on Monday, he and I went to the Vans skate park and met up with his friend who was trying to get him sponsored for wheelchair skateboarding. After about an hour, he's worn out so we all call it a day. Then, suddenly his fiancé shows up. Apparently, she had ditched class to be there. My friend starts to invite me to their house to have dinner all together, but then she tells him that they "have to talk."
The next day, he tells me that she's apparently jealous of me because I've been spending so much time with him. This is her first serious relationship so she's new to all this. He tells me she's a little on the clingy dependent side. The way he says it shows to me he's willing to deal with this and that things are going in the right direction.
Yesterday, I see him and his fiancé sitting at a bench at school and I wave to them. When he comes into class, he looks really bummed out, so I ask if he's feeling okay. She was supposed to meet him in the cafeteria, but when he went there, he didn't see her. It ends up turning into this huge argument about trust. She's worried he's going to cheat on her with me. He's worried she's cheating now, too, because she wasn't where she said she would be, etc. etc.
I'm kind of in the middle of this and I'm not exactly sure what to do. I've made the best of efforts to become friends with her so she knows there's nothing to worry about. She's nice to my face and everything, but I guess she still doesn't trust me. I'm not interested in dating him or anything. She's still worried. Now he's worried. It's frustrating.
=^-^= motdakasha =^-^=
Just Google It.
BA Psychology & Photography
(I'm not going psychoanalyze you nor will I let you cry on my shoulder. Have a nice day.)
Last edited by motdakasha; 10-11-2003 at 10:35 AM..