Ok, AMD's K6-2 CPU’s aren’t the best CPU for gamming. The K6-2 had a lot of problems, the Athlon chips that came out after the K6-2 where 100% better. 192 mb of ram is fine for Window 95/98/ME, but if your running Windows 2000/XP its not enough I would recommend at least 256 mb of ram of 2000/XP. The Redeon 7000 isn’t a very fast video card, you could update the Redeon 7000 card to a GeForce 4 MX or a Redeon 9000 card for 50$ to 100$. Both card come in PCI form factor. You could try to overclocking your Redeon 7000 that would give you a few more FPS,
Guru3d has a lot of programs for overclocking.