Update: I've read "The New Bottoming Book" as well as every single article on the website that Jazie posted above. This is definitely something worth knowing about! Lebell arrives in less than two weeks. I (we) can hardly wait to begin to explore more. In-the-meantime, he has given me some tasks to complete which are helping prepare for the next step.
The major lesson I've learned: this, like all good sexuality, is all about open and honest communication!
The one thing that I read over and over, that some of you don't seem to agree with, is that roles can be switched. Most of the time, it appears, that is done by the top requiring a role play that puts him/her at the bottom. However, some people just choose to play that way. It is a very individual decision -- as all of this is.
One of you that I've been pming mentioned that there is still plenty of plain "vanilla romping" as well. I felt a lot of freedom in that statement as I fell it gives me permission to not be as intense at times -- and to enjoy all my sexuality!
Thank you for all your support and good information! You woman are the best.
If you can go deeply into lovemaking, the ego disappears. That is the beauty of lovemaking, that it is another source of a glimpse of god
It's not about being perfect; it's about developing some skill at managing imperfection.