Originally posted by little limey
But as SiN said she doesn't want to bother men with talking about tampons. We have to deal with them talking about their penis's so why can't we talk about our tampons around them?
They do deal with our tampon talk... they read this threads (don't let them fool you when they say they don't... they are such bad liars).
This board serves many purposes. One of which has not yet been mentioned is the fact that there are women who join TFP and are a bit shy at first. They don't want to join a conversation where the men dominate things for fear of being torn apart (yes, there are a ton of male chauvinist pigs on this board), so they get their feet wet someplace that they feel a little more comfortable.
The one thing you should never feel as a woman is inferior to any man. We are special, and we need our space. You should never feel that having our own space is degrading or anything less than wonderful.
If you notice in social situations such as large gatherings or parties, a small group of women will congregate. Some men may listen to the conversation, but it's a group of women talking about women's issues. Most men don't want to be bothered, so they walk away from the group. But some men want to know what is on the minds of the wonder that is woman.
(side note... Also, who wants a bunch of responses like "why the fuck do we have to hear about this" to our discussions about menstruation and cramps?)