Well, condoms do not automatically exclude AIDS-infection from the realm of possibility when having sex outside of wedlock (even inside wedlock in a Las Vegas sort of way). Keep in mind that when the Roman Catholic chuch speaks, they are not addressing only first-world, scientifically minded individuals, but are in fact addressing a population spanning all the continents. It is these third-world countries (particularly those in Africa) that must be educated, by whatever means necessary, that condoms are not a 100% guarantee against HIV -- keep in mind that these nations are also heavily fortified in false information and legend/myth (eg., if you have sex with a virgin, your AIDS/HIV will be cured.)
The church likely did not have western culture in mind when they wrote the aforementioned article as the primary audience. The bottom line message from the Vatican on the issue is: Don't use condoms and expect 100% protection -- even American Sex-Ed books will tell you that! I don't read the article above to indicate that the church is saying _don't_ use the implements (even if that is component of existing rhetoric); but instead, it asks individuals to be mindful of the entire risk horizon and note "holes" (pun intended) in their defense.
Last edited by tritium; 10-09-2003 at 09:46 PM..