That really sucks, I know where you're coming from. I'm not one of those people who has 50 friends who change on a day to day basis, I've always had 1 or 2 really good ones and that's about it. So when that changes, it's kind of hard.
My best friend for 7 years really changed. I've always been really ambitious and so was he--until he got married. Then he settled down and lost all the drive he once had. Makes it harder for us to identify with each other now when I'm starting businesses and such, and he's telling me about some new beer he tried or how many times he's waxed his cars this month. We're still good friends, but nothing like before.
Plus, I moved to Florida from Maryland in January. He has yet to visit. He was going to come down this past summer, then the fall, then this winter, now it's supposedly next spring. Let's just say I'm not holding my breath. Meanwhile my current best friend will be down for the third time tomorrow and he lives even further away. I think that's a pretty strong indication of who's a close friend and who's not right there.
Best advice I can give you is to be supportive, but don't go out of your way to do things to try and "prove" your friendship or be overly helpful. If she ignores it you'll be resentful just because, and if she acts like your friend all of a sudden you'll be resentful that you had to go out of your way to get her to acknowledge you. Just kind of wait it out and hope she comes around, but be prepared to move on if not.