In order to understand the Challenger and Columbia space shuttle accidents you need to realize that everything is controlled by kindergarden and first grade teachers, who in turn were trained in brainwashing techniques by their college professors.
This whole process started with compulsory education way back when all kids wanted to do was play 24/7/365. Grade school teachers wanted to increase their union benefits and petitioned Congress, which was controlled by members brainwashed by their grade school teachers.
The most recent result of their secretive workings is the installation of an actor as Governor for a large western state.
Their ultimate goal is to have everyone talk and write in perfect english and drink milk three times a day as they are heavily invested in dairy products.
To prevent this from happening everyone must drink gallons of soft drinks every day and use nonsense phrases like 'Good golly miss molly' and 'If only orange dogs could talk' during parent/teacher meetings with their children's grade school teachers.