Originally posted by legolas
Love is hard to just get rid of. You can hate every fiber of that person and still just love them to pieces inside.
Someone recently said to me (while I was in the middle of a nasty break-up) that the opposite of love is not hate but indifference. It made sense. There's as much emotional energy invested in hate as there is in love, but there's no emotional energy invested in indifference.
Think about your needs (which are different than your wants). If you're in a relationship with someone and your needs aren't being met, then you should articulate them with kindness and respect, as a statement rather than as a demand. If after that they still aren't being met, then walk away, and do it respectfully. Love and respect should not be conditioned on reciprocation. If they are, those feelings probably aren't genuine. That isn't to say you should be a putz. Self respect has to come before anything else can happen. If someone is treating you poorly, walk away. If you find yourself in a situation where someone is always treating you like crap, staying in it and getting pissed off at them serves no purpose, and you've only yourself to blame. Remember that every relationship is a dynamic situation. If things are going wrong and you're getting hurt, you're not the victim. You play a part in it, if only by sticking around.
Acceptance: it is what it is, whether you like it or not. What can you do about it? Convince her to love you? That doesn't sound promising...Force her to love you? That sounds illegal...Accept that it is what it is and move on.