I don't trust these fantasy pills until they've been tested on real people for at least a decade or two. If by then there have been no reports of men losing their ability to procreate because of this pill, I may give it a shot. Other than that, I will not be a guineapig for the latest fad. It took decades to make the "Pill" what it is today.
While on the subject, would you as a woman really trust a man to take this pill? Women know how regularly they have to take their pills....to the hour, for best results. Considering that women are often the ones who end up carrying, delivering and raising the little bastard, they should just stick to the pill and not believe everything a horny man may say.
I don't believe there is any contraceptive or method as efficient as abstinence. I accept the fact that I may become a father every time I shoot my load into her. These miracle pills I won't touch with a 10-foot pole.
Who is John Galt?
Last edited by Prince; 10-07-2003 at 12:02 PM..