I'm reading Fast Food Nations right now for one of my classes ... just finished Chapter 8 "The Most Dangerous Job" and Chapter 9 "What's In The Meat". So many things in the book are so disgusting; from the lower level of processing the foods right to the top executives and there lying ways. Although Schlosser sounds biased in many aspects in the book - government wise specifically.
Originally posted by K-Wise
I personally think most vegetarians are ignorant people to begin with.
I agree with you K-Wise, but I'ld also include that anybody on the extreme side of a topic would be ignorant (including the all out meat eaters). Once you get fixed on a subject, it's hard to see the other side of the fence - either because you are so fixed on your side or just the fact that you don't want to.
Originally posted by Food Eater Lad
MY beef with McDonalds is the out right lying over the food's nutritial value and that 99% of their employees have no benifits. ... BUt I still dont like fast food as an industry. I like workers to be taken care of better. Still no one is forcing them to work there. Two sides to ever story.
The turn-over rate in that industry is just to high and from the sounds of the book, that's the way the big-wigs want it. If a McDonalds tries to get a Union for it's employees, they just shut it down and open a new one one block away (it happened here in Montreal and is mentioned in FFN) - I was told that only 1 McDonalds does have a Union, but besides heresay I have nothing to prove it.
Originally posted by Food Eater Lad
... tell that to the tiger as he eats a lamb, or a bear as he eats a salman. Nature is harsh.
Nature is harsh. Humanity is
not suppose to be. But it is.