I worked in the same pizza shop as Almostaugust. We used the roller cutters. If done right they are heaps quicker thatn the long knife type ones. I used to cut a family pizza in about 1.5 seconds. We used to have comps to see who could be the quickest.
Similar experience happened to me. I was working with this guy. We started having a muck around sparring fight. He picked up the pizza cutter. I picked up the pizza flipper and we started dueling around the shop. He, being bigger than me moved in close and started grappling. He managed to disarm me. I ran out of the shop to my car. I was learning how to weild a stock whip at the time. I grabbed my whip. So there we were in the car park. I was cracking my whip repeatidly and he was trying to get inside my range to slash me. In the end he gave up and went inside. I put my whip away and followed. It was totally forgotten. Ah the good old days. I have many fond memories of that place. More stories to follow...