Originally posted by Mr Mephisto
Is the movie Johnny Mnemonic based on Gibson's novel?
I've never seen that film, but Gibson's fiction is very good.
I find the Matrix a little trite. Actually, whilst I liked the first movie (kind of...), I haven't even bothered with renting the second.
Mr Mephisto
Yes actually it is from William Gibson. Most movies based on books aren't nearly as good as the books themselves so having read the book I don't think the actual movie would do you justice you'd probably hate it like everyone else seems to do. I looked on Rotten Tomatoes.com and found nothing but <a href="http://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/JohnnyMnemonic-1062593/reviews.php">bad reviews</a> about the movie saying it's a "Blade Runner Knockoff" and "Just a remake of Tron". I think most of those people are just assholes who think a little too much rather than just enjoying the fuckin movie. Like Christopher Null's review for example
Chistopher Null
The main problem with Johnny Mnemonic (as if I hadn't listed enough already) is the plot: the bad guys are trying to get Johnny's head in order to extract the information. What's the point of a human courier if you can get the info out just by chopping his head off? Maybe a portable hard drive would be cheaper next time.
This guys obviously trying to sound fuckin smart cause what he said has no logic to it all what a psuedo he thinks obtaining a portable hard drive is harder than a persons head? It's obvious why they chose to place the information inside of a persons head rather than a disk. I mean the information was on a disk in the begining of the movie and they would have had it easily if they hadn't burned it. Johnny got away though...with the information. What a tool.