So, I searched for this and didn't find it. Hopefully I'm not being repatitve.
There has been much success lately in the development of a male birth control pill.
This is one of the articles about the success, and details about the timeframe.
The question I pose to us men is this:
When the option becomes abvailable, will you take a pill?
Yes or no? No squirmy maybeys on this one boys.
I'm voting a resounding yes.
The treatments sound like they carry similar side effects and risks as the female pills, patches, etc.
I feel it's time men to grab thier balls, and take some responsibility for thier semen. We've been able to blame her for forgetting her pill, or not "making" us wear a hat for too long.
The girls have been putting up with the responsibility, and I say a real man would take this chance to own his own dick.
How about you all?