i appreciate your explaination, anleja, i can completely understand how someone interested in the effects of real people being put in front of cameras would be interesting to watch, and like i said twice, my opinion of the viewers of these shows completely depends on what they are getting out of these shows.
the reason i feel as strongly as i do is that my ex was, in a way, raised watching garbage like these, along with daytime talk shows, and that was how she learned to develop her argument/debating skills - through lies, villification, goading, namecalling, and blatant violence. i never really thought much about these shows (beyond a blanket feeling of not liking them) until i lived with aforementioned ex, when i realized the damaging effects that these shows really do have on individuals.
i appreciate your clarification and sincerely hope you don't think too low of me for disliking these shows and what they do to a great portion of their viewers.
My country is the world, and my religion is to do good.
- Thomas Paine