Dear Mr. and Mrs MacGNG
I regret to inform you that Mac died last night. Once again it’s related to me. I would had called last night but I would had missed the Daily Show.
Strange huh? Ha ha!
People always jump if I get too close to them in fear I’ll run over em. Now they’ll be afraid to die! Ha ha!
As you may know he is second admin on my site. Um. He was… ha ha.
So if you wanna see his porn feel free to login!
How it happened… hmm.
Today he came to see me in real life. We had spent the day at a petting zoo and Mac kept making jokes that he normally talked to animals because of pills.
I shook my head and played with a goat.
We left and went to a bar. Bars don’t smell well, so, why not?
Next thing we knew this person bought him a drink. He was elated.
“Mac l-“
”Z, not now.”
“Fine I said” and took four shots of Absolut back to back.
I felt good and decided to dance.
After realizing the terror ensuing due to a mostly drunk metal head looking guy in a wheelchair trying to dance, I left the floor and saw Mac. Poor Mac never saw the adam apple. Now I was amused.
They left and went to a vehicle, when all of a sudden it looked like Mac had been possessed or snorted coke or maybe got diahria or something cuz he ran in quick, and forgot there was a glass door.
I would love to tell you I felt horrible, but honestly it was fucking hysterical. The man ran and picked him up and I told him that he was with me and I showed him our vehicle. He gently tossed Mac in like a bag of potatoes not meant to become mashed.
‘thanks, lad er ma… um…… thanks!’ I said and walked to the door.
The thing said he thought I was disabled. I assured him I was, yet during times of great physical pain for friends I could run. He said ‘way cool’. I said ‘yup’ and loaded the chair and went home.
Mac was awake and seemed direly confused. Then I remembered that, hey, it’s Mac. This was normal.
Hell. If he wasn’t confused I’d be scared! Ha ha!
We went back to my house and he asked what pills I told him about for my leg. I told him and went into my room when I saw a dead rat.
Uh oh! I was out of pain pills. . . and put arsenic in the bottle. My bad! Imagine my embarrassment! Ha ha!
When I went in there he looked really odd. Clammy, sweating. I went to the kitchen so scared that I grabbed the first thing in sight: some oooooooolllldddddd everclear I saved. He drank a swallow then his eyes rolled back…
I hated to call 911. they are messy!
After he was covered up and taken to the morgue I stopped and had a three seconds of quiet memorial.
He was a good man and I miss him.
And that is that.
- my congr er condoneessess - Z
PS: he ruined my carpet. I expect a $2k check in the mail lest we go to court. Do not fuck with me!