Originally posted by ctembreull
Actually, a British journalist here in the states today filed a report that indicates that White House political guru Karl Rove is the source of the leaks.
Rove, it should be noted, is the subject of the book "Bush's Brain." He is an accomplished political operator who has been quoted as having one of the Tammany Hall bosses as who he wanted to grow up to be. Rove is widely credited for placing George W. Bush in a position to win the 2000 election, and is generally considered to be the eminence grise behind the current administration. He does, however, have a prior history of leaking information in the service of the Republican Party. He was fired from George H.W. Bush's presidential campaign in 1992 for leaking information to a reporter. That reporter, it should be noted, was Robert Novak. Coincidence? Possibly. Joseph Wilson, husband to the recently outed Valerie Plame also fingered Rove in a July appearance in Seattle.
So what happens to George W. Bush if and when Karl Rove is frogmarched out of the White House in handcuffs?
Are you kidding? With the Bush's Justice Department doing the so-called investigation, this case is as good as closed, and the "liberal" media will forget about this story in 2 weeks tops. I mean, the leak happened over 4 months ago, this isn't exactly breaking news. The media is so positively whipped by the Bush administration, they don't dare do anything but report what his PR people tell them to. The message is clear: cross us and you will pay with your reputation and career.
Bush's goons are just getting warmed up. Things are going to get really dirty in 2004.