There might be a "Predator 3"...
A few years back rumours circulated that action maestro Robert Rodriguez was set to make a “Predator 3”. Nothing ever eventuated of it. But now, with “Aliens vs. Predator” around the corner, there’s just got to be interest? Possibly. A booming script has indeed been written. Just one thing: the studio hasn’t snapped it up yet.
Chances are no one’s going to greenlight a stand-alone “Predator” film before they see how well “Aliens vs. Predator” does – but Screenwriter Sam Park is confident they will, because the script the studio once considered using, “Predator 3 : The deadlier of the species” is still on his i-mac.
Park explains, “It's one of my favorite sci-fi action films. Some films are great for certain parts. This is a film that works terrifically as a whole and then some. Joel Silver's deft producing and John McTiernan's sure hand at directing came together at the perfect time to realize Jim and John Thomas's suspenseful, smart and witty action script. Arnold. He was born to play Dutch. Somehow the planets aligned, mystic forces gathered and "Predator" dropped into theaters in 1987 causing everything you knew about action and science fiction movies to change.
This was another attempt on our part to do something the fans would love and even the larger film audiences would embrace as familiar but with a new and exciting spin on the concept. [Joel Silver’s assistant, Reggie Hunter] did his part and got this treatment into [Joel] Silver who told him it was great but...he no longer was working with Fox on this franchise (now strictly a Warner Brothers team player) and so, nothing came of it.
According to Park though….there might be some interest in it now.
I checked out the storyline treatment for the film and I must say, it isn’t too bad at all. If anything, it’s great to see Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Dutch back in the mix. It’s very loyal to the first film sit in the Jungle again, and sounds like it could be a perfect vehicle for Arnie. Lots of double crossing, Arnie vs Predator fights again, and trivial origins stuff.
Says Park, “Dutch is back. He turns his back on love to track down the traitor who
wiped out his elite squad of soldiers. Two years later it's Dutch who
is being secretly stalked by a Predator with a mysterious agenda until
it learns that Dutch holds something more dear to him than life. This
sends the Predator into its own private hell during the worst snowstorm
in New York's recorded history to find Dutch's heart...and rip it out.”