I'd like to try letting my SO cum inside of me... just to see what it feels like (altough I've heard it can be messy and a lil uncomfortable afterwards) I'm on the pill and have been for a few months now... and I'm verry good about taking it at the same time every day... I'm still just too paranoid to try it...
However being on the pill stops ovulation, right? So maybe I shouldn't really be freaked out right... I mean if there's no egg there for the sperm to come in contact with...there shouldn't be a problem... right?
"Can't help it if I space in a daze, my eyes tune out the other way... I may switch off and go in a daydream... in this head my thoughts are deep, Sometimes I can't even speak, would someone be and not pretend, I'm off again in my world"
Last edited by daydream; 09-28-2003 at 05:10 PM..