Well, actually, I just wrote a rather lengthy post about this on my own site, and I am happy to see the event mentioned here....
In all honesty, Novak is not really the person to blame in this incident. Don't get me wrong, I can't stand the guy for a number of personal reasons, and I think it was completely wrong that he put her name in the article months ago. However, based upon the actual text of the Intelligence Identity Protection Act, the blame goes to the person who had access to the classified information. While I agree that the person responsible should be taken from the White House in a burlap bag and pulled down Pennsylvania Avenue tied to the bumper of Wilson's car, to put the blame on Novak is essentially shooting the messenger.
If anybody wants to know the rest of what I thought on this matter, PM me and I will send you a link to the post on my site. I would post it here, but got in trouble once before for what was considered "plugging."
Heh. Oops. Sorry about that one...