here are ten songs from my collection that I can NEVER get tired of. all should be easily found on most p2p networks.
1. Jimi Hendrix: Freedom (one of his absolute best, yet almost competely unknown)
2. Led Zeppelin: Wearing and Tearing (from the post-Bonham collection of outtakes called Coda, this is Zep's answer to punk. its more punk than most punk I've ever heard. Fuckin rocks!)
3. David Bowie: Young Americans (great tune for the lyrics alone. the music is excellent also)
4. Queen: anything from the Jazz album. one of the great underrated/unknown albums of all time.
5. Helmet: Unsung (moody punk-metal. great riff)
6. Dire Straits: Telegraph Road (grand, sweeping, epic tune)
7. Frank Zappa: You Are What You Is (what else is there to say but that FZ was a genius)
8. The Knack: My Sharonna (try to get the original album cut and not the single version. the album cut has the extended guitar solo (about 1 min long) which is just excellent.)
9. Montrose: I Got the Fire or Space Station No. 5 (you will be knocked out by Ronnie Montrose's guitar prowess).
10. Queensryche: Eyes of a Stranger (powerful and melodic and intense lyrics)
I could go ON and ON with this list. but Ill stop here.
He's the best, of course, of all the worst.
Some wrong been done, he done it first. -fz
I jus' want ta thank mice elf...agin...