This old adage doesn't have to be true. It sure isn't with me and my wife. We are having far more intense and better sex after 12 years of marriage than we did in our first year. Part of the secret comes from throwing off the chains of familiarity that you both have for each other. This is what worked with my wife. We both had a nice comfortable relationship with each other, and we would have sex a couple of times a week when it was convenient and the kids were otherwise occupied. The sex was good but not stellar. When we went away on vacation without the kids, the sex would get all hot and very frequent (several times a day). The secret was that we were there for each other constantly, and we would kind of rediscover each other. We finally decided to make this work in our daily lives. When I get home from work, we spend anywhere from 30 minutes to 2 hrs of just us time (talking, holding, lightly kissing). This can be done with the kids around, in the kitchen while she is cooking, etc. It are these moments that constantly allow us to remain emotionally connected. It also intensifies both her and my libido. We can just touch each other now to get each other arroused. Today when she was blow drying her hair and was in her bra and panties, I went up behind her and just held her from behind. I massaged her stomach muscles, arms, outer thights and butt. She had just got done running 5 miles, so it felt good for her. It turned both of us on. It just takes a bit more effort on both of your parts to achieve those intense sexual feelings again.