Originally posted by guthmund
I got into it a few months ago. Built what I thought was a pretty good deck, went to a couple of local gatherings and made some trades. But when the league opened up and I started playing against these little snit pizzels who had Mommy and Daddy buy their deck for them or the older fellow (i.e. comic book guy) who gets in it to beat little kids and feel superior, the fun left.
What's the point of playing these kids in an honest and open fashion, if all they want to do is use someone elses strategy to quash you fantasically or wait you out?
I think it is cheesy. Just because there is an obvious exploit in the game, why exploit it?
If I were to use these to my advantage and win; is it really a 'win?' Where is the noblility? where's the fun? Where's the competition?
It's a cheap move. I'd rather my opponent use his/her mind to defeat me rather than a backdoor exploit.
I rather like playing with my nephew, who is one of the few I will play nowadays. Real competition, just me and the little guy playing strategy off one another and reading the field. That is sportsmanship, and say what you will about a "stupid little card game" the values still apply.
Thank you guthmund. I couldn't have said it better myself.
and as for the " ps. I'm not exactly a child psych major, but isn't telling one kid that you're more proud of your other kid not exactly the best thing to do?" comment. No it isn't. But sometimes you have to take a stand and do something that other would not agree with to teach a child a VERY important life lesson. Winning isn't everything. How you win is.