I know I should be able to talk to her about this sort of thing, I have spoken to her about a lot of other more sensitive things. The problem is though as you described it, I dont want to risk losing the friendship. I value this friendship more than any other I have ever had, and I dont want to lose it.
As for her coming on to other guys, if she ever does go out with me, I doubt that will happen. She and I have pretty much had a typical boyfriend/girlfriend relationship minus the physicality stuff, and she I are probably closer to each other on a lot more levels than she is with her current boyfriend. I only think that she has begun to see me in a new light since her current relationship has started to go sour. And its not like she really did anything that bad, she made one passing comment, and then held hands with me shortly before falling asleep. Its the fact that in the comment she mentioned that her boyfriend knew and didnt care that gets me most. First of all it shows that they speak about me, and secondly and most importantly is the he doesnt care part which both confuses me and makes me think that they are on the verge of breaking up.
I dunno, all I know is that I really want to speak to her about it, but I know that that would be a very very bad idea.