Does anyone remember playing the game Auto Duel? I think it was made by Orgin and by the same guy who started the Ultima series.
It took place in a futuristic northeast United States. You would have to initally earn money by entering an area enclosed auto duel. You would drive aroudn and fight several other cars. When you were ranked a rookie, they would provide you with like a VW bug with a machine gun. As time went on, you'd buy your own cars to duel with, armed with flamethrowers, rockets and smoke screens. You could also earn money by running errands with your car, out in the real world, battling other cars along the way. It was cool because you could get out of your car and salvage stuff from cars you took out. You had to be careful you didn't get run over once you left the protection of your car, though.
I used to play it on the old family Apple II+. I believe it may have been out on the C64, too.
I always wished they made a modern verison of this game. Interstate 76 didn't count in my book, as I was looking for a top down view, like in the original.
What I liked is that when your charater was first built he had low skills. A low driving skill meant that no how many times you've played before, you would spin out of control more often...kinda like a mandatory handicap. I could usually get around this by not making any sudden driving moves.
Anyways, it was cool.