Originally posted by Harshaw
I'm thinking about asking my girlfriend about the pill when she comes back. I'm not really afraid of picking anything up from her. I HATE condoms, but currently they are the best choice.
How hard is it to go on the pill? What is involved? What are the costs?
A girl might be better suited to answer this question, but what the hey...
The most important part about the pill is you have to take it. EVERY SINGLE DAY. If she is forgetful and misses days, that severely reduces that 99.9% effectivity. Check out <a href="http://www.plannedparenthood.org/bc/">planned parenthood</a>
From their website:
The cost of an examination by a private doctor may range from $50 to $125. Pills vary in price depending on the type and brand. A prescription can cost about $20 - $35 a month. Pills and the exams usually cost less in a family planning clinic. The pills are covered by Medicaid.
A bargain, considering the cost of raising a kid in the US nowadays.