Question about Kazaa
I looked around and didn't see this posted here, so here goes...
When I download from Kazaa, I have noticed that a LOT more songs are corrupt now than there used to be. Also, there are a bunch of songs that are just 3-4 sec loops of the chorus for 3-4 minutes.
When I was trying to d/l the new Korn song, I downloaded 5-6 different files and all of them were the loop. Also, when I was looking for a couple of popular songs, they all were corrupted somewhere through the song.
My questions are these....
1) Who is putting the looped songs out there? Is it the RIAA or the music label? Someone else?
2) On the same song, it showed that there were 500+ sources for one of the Korn songs. It turned out to be a looped version. Do people d/l songsand not listen to them? When I d/l music, I check it and delete it if it is no good.
Just wondering....