From the "What Constitutes a Sport Thread", here are some defining points of a sport along with some comments:
Definition of Sport (no, it is not mine):
1. At the end of each game they must be a winner and a loser.
Check. If its done right, you're the winner.
2. There must be practice, which is non-competitive, that teaches the skills of the game.
Check. Practice makes perfect.
3. Throughout the game there must be "official rules and procedures".
Check. For example: Close the bathroom door.
4. Throughout the game "tactics and strategies" should be used.
Check. Tactics and strategy help determine the action.
5. Muscle and nerve coordination should be taught and learned.
Damn straight.
6. A repeating "movement or form" that includes a "certain degree of risk" or effort.
Check. This should need no explanation.
7. A teacher or coach whom is not only trained in skills of that particular sport but other subjects like nutrition.
Check. My coach is skilled in other subjects like protein consumption, and she is very talented.
Hmmmmm.... maybe masturbation is a sport.