I'll just list some songs that I'm favoring right now and maybe a little description or thought on each. Here we go...
Boy Hits Car - Hope
Solid song, a little on the heavy side with a great bassline at the beginning.
A Perfect Circle - Ashes to Ashes (Live David Bowie Cover)
Great cover of great song
Danzig - Mother
The vocals on this song remind me a lot of Jim Morrison. Not a big fan of Danzig's other stuff, but I dig this song.
Desert Sessions - Don't Drink Poison
Desert Sessions is one of the many bands formed from the breakup of Kyuss (of which the most well-known is Queens of the Stone Age). This song has a very haunting and almost familiar melody.
Godspeed You Black Emporer - East Hastings
Being that this song is in the ballpark of 20 minutes in length, I wouldn't put it on a mix CD. However, I am listening to it a lot right now so here it is. Very... progressive sounding. I love the mood and atmosphere it creates.
Nine Inch Nails - Last
Very heavy and uh.... cool sounding song.
O.H.M. - Arm's Reach
To me, this band sounds a lot like Tool if their songs were much shorter and less complicated. The vocals remind me of Maynard. However, from my experiences, their songs are pretty damn hard to come find.
Styx - Renegade
Classic song!
Tool - You Lied (Live Peach Cover from Salival CD)
Great song - Maynard's vocals = kick ass.
Mad Capsule Market - Walk
Great beat, almost industrial sounding
The Damage Manual - Age of Urges
Industrial band - great song
That's all for now, I'll add some more later if I think of anything
Last edited by saut; 09-22-2003 at 10:46 AM..