I'm not going to go over everything Plan9 said, just add some comments.
One thing you're doing right is eating a small dinner. Most of us eat a large dinner, which is accepted by the body which.... doesn't need it because you're basically in front of the tube for the evening, so it turns to fat. So eating a small dinner is a good thing.
Eating more meals earlier in the day is a good thing. When I was 20, I didn't want breakfast, but later in life I did. I would suggest at least a protein drink and some fruit and maybe a piece of toast, if you don't feel like cooking anything more complex. Then you won't be so ravenous when lunch comes around and won't want as much.
A lot of men your age can eat any damn thing at any damn time and not gain weight; I certainly could. Although it started to turn around by my late 20s, when I had to start eating more sensibly and exercising more to maintain good weight and fitness and keep the jello off. (And that just gets more difficult as you get older.)
It sounds like you've got good genetics, but they'll only carry you so far. Eventually you'll have to add regular exercise and watch what and how you eat (though not necesarily diet). Though from what you say about yourself, you'd probably have pretty good luck in the weight room. You might try it.