go there
i was chasing that thought then it ran away
something else dark came and took its place
what do i do?
hate? fear? forgive.. for what?
the past haunts me, jaunts me, look, see, feel..... the pain
i hurt, others, myself. hate is easier.
not hate
hate caused this
hate cant fix this
not hate?
not hate.
im confused.
your confused?
im confused!
who is who?
im him
im the other him
where did you come from?
the same place you did
we are the same?
we are the same.
help yourself.
the past, forget it
i cant.
do it or the present and the future will be your past.
dont you see? i hurt, others and myself
so? you hurt them cos you hurt them
ok im gonna stop
you cant stop it
you cant stop what never started
dont do that.
well. you stop it too
dark. was good wasnt it.
yes it was. time to stop now.
but you said it never started.
it didnt.
then.... how?
look behind, inside. lower. deeper.
i see now.
but do you SEE it.
the pain is not real....
cos the emotions that caused it arent real?
who are you.
im you.
we are the same?
we are the same.
thank you.
thank you.