No it doesn't sound like the Lips I'm just saying that like the Lips release it's a very refreshing and different sound. Especially something you wouldn't expect from Silverchair. One a the dudes who commented on it said it was like a mixture of Queen & Alice In Chains. I'd say A LOT of the album is very reminiscent of old Queen material and maybe even a little Moody Blues and Electric Light Orchestra. It's very orchestral, lots of great harmony, chalked full a great ballads and just really enchanting sounds. Everytime you hear the CD again you notice something different about it. A really soothing harmony that you didn't catch on the first listen it really and honestly is one of the best CD's I've purchased it really grew on me. But it's only if ya really like that sort of thing. For some it might be a bit too I guess the word would be "poppy" for some but I think it's great.
You can check out the album here at their site: