This is my project car I bought for $200. Thought I would share it with you all.
Here it is....sitting in the woods for 5 years....stinks really really bad....engine seized...missing parts...two bald tire.....rust....ick
Here is the inside....Theres where most of the engine parts are......not to bad of shape
Now the passenger name it it was probabaly in the back seat...including 4 rats nests.
The that says wash me.
Kinda missing a few engine parts....and was stripped of most of the AC stuff and no more smog stuff....the pump is still there but doesn't pump anything and the two catalytic convertors will be replace by dual glasspacks with headers
here is the floorboards..only a few dime size holes which easily where patchable...pretty good for a 19 year old wisconsin car.[IMG]
nice older tbird rims with almost new tires.....damn factory alloys where a goofy 390mm trx rim....$207...screw that...