Something is seriously wrong with me
Heres my situation:
Ive had sex maybe 10-15 times and everytime i cant come from intercouse....I usually go for about 20-25 min then go limp, its the most fustrating thing in the world. I know people say just relax and have a good time. I do that, but still no dice.
Heres the scary only 18 facking years old. After about 10-15 min i can pull out and masturbate while kissing her and i can come in 20-30 seconds, but i can never come just from intercourse, i need to finish myself off.
Maybe there is nothing wrong with that, but i feel sometimes the girl thinks she is doing something wrong, when its not her.
Same thing goes for when getting head.
Any suggestions? Should i go see a doctor or take some viagra or something? Im open to any and all suggestions, any help is extremely appreciated.
Thanks for your time.